The rotary shear is used for cutting off the rod for two purposes:
For removal of front and back ends
For cutting the long length of a bar into smaller commercial lengths.
The rotary cutters of EN - 24 steel, are mounted on a swivelling housing along with the motor and transmission gears. The speed of the cutters is synchronized with mill speed so that a neat cut is obtained
These machines are specially designed for rapid cutting up of metal scrap and possess the stamina for continuous high speed duty. Blades are set at an angle to the frame so that long bars can be cropped. Many hundreds of these machines are in use.
Application: To cut finished TMT bars to specific length automatically through sensing device & PLC, drive through DC motor or AC variable drive.
Cutting capacity: 8mm to 32mm TMT bars
Structure: The body is steel fabricated and stress relieved and machined accurately to take the pinion which are hardened ground. Anti frictions spherical roller bearings are used of SKF/NTN make for better performance.